Greensburg Water Treatment Plant Ribbon Cutting
The City of Greensburg, Kentucky, held a ribbon cutting ceremony September 2, 2016, to mark the completion of the Greensburg Water Treatment Plant Project. The project included design and construction of a new 2 mgd conventional water treatment plant to replace the old plant which had reached the end of its useful life. The existing raw water intake and pumping facility were also replaced and a new high service transmission main now connects the new plant to the existing distribution system. The project was designed to allow for future expansion of both the plant and the intake facilities.
The project was fully funded through $1,000,000 CDBG grant, $2,000,000 EDA grant and $4,694,000 USDA Rural Development grant and loan package. Dignitaries in attendance at the event included Tom Fern, Rural Development State Director; Representative Terry Mills; Brian Smith, Field Representative for Congressman Guthrie’s office; Isaac Myers, Field Representative for the Department of Local Government; Mayor Lisle Cheatham, City of Greensburg; John Frank, Green County Judge Executive; Tad Long, Community Development Manager with the Kentucky League of Cities; Tom Noe, Market President at Forcht Bank; and Roger Sabo, Mortgage Loan Originator with Taylor County Bank. The event was also attended by Greensburg City Councilmembers; Board Members from the Green-Taylor Water District; Joe Smith, Owner of Smith Contractors; Bob Hunter, grant writer; and other Rural Development, community, and utility representatives.