Somerset Groundbreaking
The City of Somerset, KY held a groundbreaking ceremony November 15, 2011 to mark the beginning of the $25 million Somerset Water Treatment Plant Expansion Project. The project which will increase treatment capacity from 10 million gallons per day (mgd) to 16 mgd utilizing a General Electric membrane filtration system.
The project is funded in part by a $20 million Rural Development grant and loan package and is currently the largest American Recovery Reinvestment Act (ARRA) water project in the United States. Dignitaries in attendance at the event included Mayor Eddie Girdler, City of Somerset; Judge Executive Barty Bullock, Pulaski County and Vernon Brown, Rural Utilities Service Program Director. The event was also attended by Somerset Councilmembers and other community and utility representatives, several representatives from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and Dale Wilson, Vice President of Judy Construction Company.